Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 3. Research and Teaching

  • Professor for Open Source Software at University of Erlangen

    After 12 years of working in the high-tech industry, I’m changing gears. I left my prior industry job and am starting today, September 1st, as the “professor for open source software” in the computer science department of the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Bavaria, Germany. This is a free (not tied to a chair)…

  • Call for Papers: Empirical Research Free/Libre Open Source Software

    Call for papers: Special issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) Empirical Research on Free/Libre Open Source Software Important dates Deadline for articles 15 October 2009 Initial decisions by 15 January 2010 Revisions due 15 April 2010 Final decision by 15 July 2010

  • Call for Papers: Onward! 2009

    For your information, the call for papers for Onward! 2009. I’m on the program committee (and was last year’s chair). ONWARD! 2009 CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS The conference for new ideas, new paradigms, and reflections on everything to do with programming and software. Co-located with OOPSLA 2009 Orlando, Florida October 25-29 2009 http://www.onward-conference.org Sponsored by ACM…

  • Call for Papers: Fourth Workshop on Wikis for Software Engineering

    For your information, the fourth workshop on wikis for (in) software engineering. I’m on the program committee. CALL FOR PAPERS Fourth Workshop on “Wikis for Software Engineering”, May 16, 2009, at ICSE 2009, Vancouver, Canada, May 16-24, 2009 Submissions are due on January 26 (abstracts), February 2 (papers), 2009

  • Organizational Design and Engineering

    Most readers of this blog are probably familiar with Conway’s Law. So named by Fred Brooks in the “Mythical Man-Month” and popularized by the saying “if you have four teams working on a compiler you will get a four-pass compiler.” This sociological observation stipulates that the social architecture of a corporation i.e. its organizational hierarchy…

  • WikiSym 2009 Call for Papers (Submissions)

    WikiSym 2009 Call for Papers The International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration http://www.wikisym.org/ws2009/ October 25-27, 2009, in Orlando, Florida, USA In-cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN and ACM SIGWEB, co-located with ACM OOPSLA 2009, peer-reviewed and archived in the ACM Digital Library ======================================================== The International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym) is the premier conference dedicated to wikis…