Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 3.5 Life of a Professor

  • Should you be reaching at a venture-backed private college?

    Should you be reaching at a venture-backed private college?

    Judging from my industry friends, some time in their professional career (usually later), the teaching bug bites them and they wonder about passing on their knowledge to a new generation of industrialists and entrepreneurs. A regular position as a professor at a German public university or a polytechnic (university of applied sciences) is often unattainable…

  • GitHub workflows for office documents

    GitHub workflows for office documents

    On April 1st, 2020 (no joke), we founded EDITIVE, to take the lessons learned from git and GitHub to office documents. Here is an illustration of the problem that EDITIVE is solving, a typical office document for a contract that has been mangled by too many people: The solution to sort out a mess like…

  • What software vendors don’t seem to understand about university teaching

    What software vendors don’t seem to understand about university teaching

    I often get approached by software vendors with the suggestion that I teach a course using one of their product tutorials. There are plenty of open source databases, operating systems, and cloud computing solutions who want to make it into my curriculum. Of course, vendors don’t always call their product tutorials by that name, but…