Category: 3. Research and Teaching
A systematic literature review of pre-requirements specification traceability [RE Journal]
Abstract Requirements traceability (RT) is the ability to link requirements to other software development artifacts. In pre-requirements (pre-RS) traceability, requirements are linked to their origin, such as interviews with stakeholders, meeting protocols, or legacy systems. Compared with post-RS traceability, which links requirements to source code and other later artifacts, pre-RS traceability has seen much less…
A systematic analysis of problems in open collaborative data engineering [TSC Journal]
Abstract Collaborative workflows are common in open-source software development. They reduce individual costs and improve the quality of work results. Open data shares many characteristics with open-source software as it can be used, modified, and redistributed by anyone, for free. However, in contrast to open-source software engineering, collaborative data engineering on open data lacks a…
Upcoming talks in June and July 2023
2023-05-31: User-led open source projects (free, in person, in Berlin) at Open Logistics Foundation’s Open Source Innovation Day 2023 2023-06-23: The corporate open source strategy (commercial, in person, in Montreal) at the TTI/Vanguard Rebooting Computing conference 2023-06-26: Creating a ROS Distribution (free, in person, in Lisbon) at INESC-ID / University of Lisbon respectively, courtesy of…
Why Scrum projects are harder at a university than in industry
I teach distributed Scrum to student teams every semester. Sometimes, industry tells me how much easier it must be to run Scrum projects at a university rather than “in real life” i.e. in industry. I beg to differ: Running Scrum projects at a university is much harder than running Scrum projects in industry, for the…
A solution for automated grading of QDA homework [HICSS 2023]
Abstract: Teaching research methods is important in any curriculum that prepares students for an academic career. While theoretical frameworks for qualitative theory building can be adequately conveyed through lecturing, the practices of qualitative data analysis (QDA) cannot. However, using experiential learning techniques for teaching QDA methods to large numbers of students presents a challenge to…
Incentivizing German Universities to Capitalize on Their Intellectual Property
In a recent position paper, SPRIN-D, an innovation agency of the German government, proposed that universities license their intellectual property (IP) to university startups in return for virtual shares. This approach is suggested as a practice to work around universities who stall startup licensing deals due to unrealistic assumptions (e.g. lump-sum upfront payment). The problem…