Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 5. Personal Matters

  • Do what you are great at rather than follow your passion?

    Do what you are great at rather than follow your passion?

    Interesting commencement speech by Ben Horowitz. When I attended Stanford, I’d regularly listen to the VFTT (View from the Top) speeches of well-known entrepreneurs and executives. I quickly got bored, first, and then upset, second, when these speeches all seemed to be one long slog of follow-your-passion (and everything will work out) talks. “Give me…

  • Website Reorganization

    As you’ve probably guessed, this is my (Dirk Riehle’s) professional blog about computer science research and the software industry. You can still find the old blog at http://www.riehle.org/index.html though I’ll slowly migrate relevant bits and pieces to the blog.

  • Hello World!

    Yep, I’m finally switching over to WordPress. First my personal blog, now the research blog. Stay tuned for lots of updates in these first weeks of 2008!