Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2. Building Products

  • Calculating the costs of inner source collaboration by computing the time worked [HICSS 2022]

    Calculating the costs of inner source collaboration by computing the time worked [HICSS 2022]

    Abstract: A key part of taxation, controlling, and management of international collaborative programming workflows is determining the costs of a supplied software artifact. The OECD suggests the use of the Cost Plus method for calculating these costs. However, in the past, this method has been implemented using only coarse-grain data from the costs of whole…

  • A validation of QDAcity‑RE for domain modeling using qualitative data analysis [RE Journal]

    A validation of QDAcity‑RE for domain modeling using qualitative data analysis [RE Journal]

    Abstract: Using qualitative data analysis (QDA) to perform domain analysis and modeling has shown great promise. Yet, the evaluation of such approaches has been limited to single-case case studies. While these exploratory cases are valuable for an initial assessment, the evaluation of the efficacy of QDA to solve the suggested problems is restricted by the…

  • Upcoming talk on establishing open source license compliance using continuous integration

    Upcoming talk on establishing open source license compliance using continuous integration

    Philippe Ombredanne, lead maintainer of ScanCode, will give a talk on open source license compliance, injected into my own lecture series on commercial open source software, both organized by CROSS, the Center for Research on Open Source Software at UC Santa Cruz. Abstract Open source has changed deeply how projects and products are created; they…

  • Creating and growing healthy community open source projects [PLoP 2020]

    Creating and growing healthy community open source projects [PLoP 2020]

    Abstract: This article presents a succinct and minimal handbook of best practices of how to create and grow community open source projects. We start with the assumption that the handbook’s user has a minimal but useful piece of software at hand that they want to open source and build a community around. Keywords: Open source,…

  • Inner source and financial compliance

    Inner source and financial compliance

    Inner source is the use of open source practices within companies. Engineers generally love it, but any open-source-style collaboration across business unit boundaries will usually get stopped dead in its tracks by the financial compliance department. That’s because financial compliance is likely to worry that to the tax authorities such inner source collaboration will look…

  • How to make finding inner source projects easy

    How to make finding inner source projects easy

    In 2006, we set-up SAP forge to make finding and collaborating on inner source projects easy. The advice of how to design a forge or portal for this purpose hasn’t really changed over the years. The most important advice is: Make the forge available at one place (and one place only) with a memorable URL…