Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2. Building Products

  • Planned inner source: Code reuse across profit-center boundaries (in German) [Technical Report]

    Planned inner source: Code reuse across profit-center boundaries (in German) [Technical Report]

    Abstract: Wiederverwendung von Softwarekomponenten verspricht, Softwareentwicklung schneller und günstiger zu machen und die Ergebnisqualität zu steigern. Trotz diverser methodischer Ansätze ist es für viele Softwareentwicklungsorganisationen schwierig geblieben, diese Ziele auch nur ansatzweise zu erreichen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet „Inner Source“, die Verwendung von Open-Source-Praktiken in der firmeninternen Softwareentwicklung, neue Chancen. Inner-Source-Software ist Software, die innerhalb…

  • Software architecture is a (poor) metaphor

    Software architecture is a (poor) metaphor

    At FAU, we are now holding our so-named “software architecture” seminar for the second time. It is important to realize (for students as well as the general public) that “software architecture” is a metaphor (or, maybe more precisely, an analogy). Architecture is a discipline several thousand years old, while software architecture is only as old…

  • Developer Belief vs. Reality: The Case of the Commit Size Distribution [SE 2012]

    Developer Belief vs. Reality: The Case of the Commit Size Distribution [SE 2012]

    Abstract: The design of software development tools follows from what the developers of such tools believe is true about software development. A key aspect of such beliefs is the size of code contributions (commits) to a software project. In this paper, we show that what tool developers think is true about the size of code…

  • Business Risks and Governance of Open Source in Software Products (in German) [HMD Journal]

    Business Risks and Governance of Open Source in Software Products (in German) [HMD Journal]

    Titel: Geschäftsrisiken und Governance von Open-Source in Softwareprodukten Zusammenfassung: In fast jedem Softwareprodukt, auch in großer Standardsoftware, sind heute Open-Source-Komponenten enthalten. Die Hersteller dieser Software müssen die Geschäftsrisiken, die mit der Integration von Open-Source-Software in kommerzielle Produkte verbunden sind, verstehen und vernünftig managen. Dieser Artikel zeigt ein Modell verschiedener rechtlicher, technischer und sozialer Risiken auf,…

  • On the Open Cloud Principles: Every Real-World Specification is an Underspecification

    Trying to wrap my head around the Open Cloud Principles put out by the revamp of the Open Cloud Initiative, I’m happy to note that software engineering research has something to say to the challenges these principles will face. Every real-world specification is an underspecification. So, well, I say that, but I doubt that I’m…

  • Dating Design Patterns Skit Script

    While cleaning up, I found this copy of the OOPSLA 2004 Dating Design Patterns skit script. The skit itself was, as Brian Foote called it, occasionally humorous. I’m providing it here (before throwing out the paper copy) for the intermittent professional entertainment on my blog. We performed the skit at OOPSLA 2004. Fortunately, I don’t…