Category: 2. Building Products
The Frankfurt opera house, criving C programmers crazy since 1972
Example login designed to make users go away
Schufa is a German credit rating agency. By law it is required to provide information to consumers (while it makes all its money, for now, off corporate customers). As a consequence, its password and login screens have been designed, I suggest, to be as unusable as possible. Below please find a screen-shot of the PIN…
Tabs vs. spaces and cause vs. effect
Stack Overflow of the “full stackoverflow programmer” fame just published a developer survey. Among the items was a question asking developers, what they prefer for indenting their code: Tabs or spaces? The majority of developers prefers tabs over spaces by a reasonable margin. What worries me, though, is the conclusion or the “trend” that the…
Inner source in platform-based product engineering [Technical Report]
Abstract Inner source is an approach to collaboration across intra-organizational boundaries for the creation of shared reusable assets. Prior project reports on inner source suggest improved code reuse and better knowledge sharing. Using a multiple-case case study research approach, we analyze the problems that three major software development organizations were facing in their platform-based product…
M.B.A.s or engineers for product management?
I teach product management at a public German engineering school, where I am a professor of computer science. Product management is my nod towards “business informatics”, otherwise I only teach engineering courses (and one general how-to-perform-research class). There is an old debate as to who makes better product managers: M.B.A.s or engineers? Having worked on…
Public upcoming talks on open source and inner source
A bit belated, I’m happy to announce two upcoming talks: Both talks are accessible to the public, see the flyers.