Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2.5 Inner Source

  • Ten years of inner source case studies (video)

    Ten years of inner source case studies (video)

    Georg Grütter of Bosch recorded my keynote at the Inner Source Commons summit in Renningen, Germany, on May 16th, 2018, and put it on Youtube. Please watch it below (original video, local copy). According to Georg, the video is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (for the Bosch part) and I agree (for my part). Hence…

  • Third time’s the charm: Ten years of inner source case studies

    Third time’s the charm: Ten years of inner source case studies

    Actually, I just notice it is the fourth time within the last two months, but tomorrow is the first time I’ll present our research on inner source in a public venue. If you are interested in ten years of case studies on how to use open source best practices within companies (called inner source), come…

  • But what if someone steals my inner source code?

    But what if someone steals my inner source code?

    During my talk at the inner source summit, I was asked about the following worry with establishing inner source at a company: But if we lay all source code open within the company, don’t we run the risk that a disgruntled employee has it too easy to steal all code and publish it on the…