Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2.5 Inner Source

  • Bringing Open Source Best Practices into Corporations Using a Software Forge

    You may have noticed our work on improving corporate software development at SAP using an in-house software forge. The main benefit is in transferring open source best practices to our software development processes. At an upcoming industry conference presentation I’ll be talking about some of the lessons we learned. Here is the abstract of the…

  • Open collaboration within corporations using software forges [Software Magazine]

    Open collaboration within corporations using software forges [Software Magazine]

    Abstract: Over the past 10 years, open source software has become an important cornerstone of the software industry. Commercial users have adopted it in standalone applications, and software vendors are embedding it in products. Surprisingly then, from a commercial perspective, open source software is developed differently from how corporations typically develop software. Research into how…

  • Open Collaboration: Self-Organizing Innovation in Large Corporations

    Author: Dirk Riehle, SAP Research, SAP Labs LLC Reference: Steven Fraser (editor). “Escaped from the Lab: Innovation Practices in Large Organizations.” In Companion of the 2008 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA ’08). ACM Press, 2008: Pages 787-790. Available as a PDF file; my part follows as HTML below. Position statement…