Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2.5 Inner Source

  • Upcoming talk: Inner source in product line engineering

    Upcoming talk: Inner source in product line engineering

    The interest remains; I’ve given my new talk on Inner Source at a couple of companies now (ask me!) and next time will be at CMU (in Silicon Valley, broadcast to Pittsburgh) next Tuesday, November 5, 2013. The talk was originally going to be hosted by Tony Wasserman, now by Hakan Erdogamus, and is open…

  • Upcoming talk: Inner source in product line engineering

    Upcoming talk: Inner source in product line engineering

    This coming Wednesday, September 18th, 2013, starting at 6:30pm, I’ll be giving a talk on inner source (“open source best practices inside companies”) applied to product line engineering at Hewlett Packard in Palo Alto, CA (3000 Hanover Street Building 20, Palo Alto, CA 94304). The San Francisco Bay Area ACM chapter is the host, see…

  • Planned inner source: Code reuse across profit-center boundaries (in German) [Technical Report]

    Planned inner source: Code reuse across profit-center boundaries (in German) [Technical Report]

    Abstract: Wiederverwendung von Softwarekomponenten verspricht, Softwareentwicklung schneller und günstiger zu machen und die Ergebnisqualität zu steigern. Trotz diverser methodischer Ansätze ist es für viele Softwareentwicklungsorganisationen schwierig geblieben, diese Ziele auch nur ansatzweise zu erreichen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet „Inner Source“, die Verwendung von Open-Source-Praktiken in der firmeninternen Softwareentwicklung, neue Chancen. Inner-Source-Software ist Software, die innerhalb…