Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2.5 Inner Source

  • Inner source in platform-based product engineering [Technical Report]

    Inner source in platform-based product engineering [Technical Report]

    Abstract Inner source is an approach to collaboration across intra-organizational boundaries for the creation of shared reusable assets. Prior project reports on inner source suggest improved code reuse and better knowledge sharing. Using a multiple-case case study research approach, we analyze the problems that three major software development organizations were facing in their platform-based product…

  • Public upcoming talks on open source and inner source

    Public upcoming talks on open source and inner source

    A bit belated, I’m happy to announce two upcoming talks: Both talks are accessible to the public, see the flyers.

  • Hackathons and 20% time

    Hackathons and 20% time

    According to this article, Google’s 20% time never really existed. I’ve always guessed as much, joking with Google friends that their 20% time really could only be taken on Saturday and Sunday. Which is all the same: Engaged employees do what they feel needs to be done no matter what and when. Hackathons, however, exist.…