Dirk Riehle's Industry and Research Publications

Category: 2.3 Open Source (Building)

  • Getting started with FLOSS governance and compliance in companies [OpenSym 2019]

    Getting started with FLOSS governance and compliance in companies [OpenSym 2019]

    Abstract: Commercial use of open source software is on the rise as more companies realize the benefits of using FLOSS components in their products. At the same time, the ungoverned use of such components can result in legal, financial, intellectual property, and other risks. To mitigate these risks, companies must govern their use of open source…

  • Open Source and Inner Source at IAV (in English)

    Open Source and Inner Source at IAV (in English)

    The house magazine of IAV Automotive Engineering GmbH, a major supplier to the German automotive industry, which had interviewed Markus Blonn and me about open source and inner source at IAV, translated the magazine article into English, woohoo!

  • Open source and inner source at IAV (in German)

    Open source and inner source at IAV (in German)

    The house magazine of IAV Automotive Engineering GmbH, a major supplier to the German automotive industry, interviewed Markus Blonn and me about open source and inner source at IAV (in German). We had a good time as you can see 😉